Sunday, February 23, 2014

aldrich javier(newyear, newme)



Some of the Filipinos will celebrate this event by making noise, lighting up the sky with fireworks, filling our stomach with food and many more. But the most important thing for me to do for now is to change. To change for the BETTER and not for the WORSE, right? We can’t deny that we have made some resolutions for this New Year. You can change your bad attitudes anytime of the year. There’s no need of making those resolutions on paper if you can do it. As I had observed, I didn’t change a lot. Maybe some of my attitudes changed but I think it change for the worse and not for the better. This year, I used to make my home works at school instead of doing it in our house. I also used not to submit my requirements on time. But as we look onto the bright side, I became more sociable. I learned how to voice out what I feel.  But my goal for this year is to spend more time on the things/ persons that are important to me – my family and studies. I want to focus my attention on them and lessen in using gadgets. This year, I’ll try to study harder so that I can be able to achieve my dreams in life and most of all I’ll try to change my improper lifestyle so that I can be able to have a desirable figure.                I am happy with who, what, and where I am now. I just hope that this year, whatever journey I may take, I’ll end up happier. New me? Well, slightly, maybe.To be honest, I'll start over again. Life has many struggles. But I have to fight and keep going. I don't want to change my inner self either. For this year, it will be tremendous and buffer. I will lessen my times in doing awful things. I'll have my own dreams to be fulfill. For this year, I want a big change in my routine. I will not skip my meal. I'll go out just when needed. I'll be more patient to people. I'll be more aggressive.

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